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Believe you can!

Believe you can!
Sometimes your own self-doubt can make you hesitate on the brink of taking that leap of faith. If you find yourself questioning your own ability to achieve your goals, begin a daily practice of affirming that you can do it. The more you can psyche yourself up
to begin moving forward, the more your confidence will grow and the less you’ll feel worry and doubt pulling you back.

Ponder the negative consequences.

Though negativity can often contribute to feelings of paralysis, it can also do wonders to motivate us into action if it’s taken in the right context. Ask yourself what will happen if you DON’T achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself this time around. Will you set yourself up for more difficult circumstances? Are you willing to accept the consequences of not taking action? Affirm that though you may face some challenges on the road ahead, they are nothing compared to the hollow emptiness of defeat and resignation.

Make it fun.
Drudgery and boredom are sure indicators that it’s time for a change of pace. Either come up with ways to make your tasks fun and enjoyable, or make your environment more conducive to fun and enjoyment. You can do this by hanging up lively cartoons or jokes, bringing a touch of silliness into your activities or simply embracing a lighter attitude while you work.

Reclaim your power.
Try this visualization to increase your belief in yourself and your potential: see yourself in your mind’s eye and watch as a flicker of brilliant white light begins forming in your midsection. Imagine this speck of light beginning to grow larger and brighter as it fills your entire torso with shimmering brilliance. Watch in amazement as your entire countenance seems to grow in proportion to this light, and see your image growing larger and larger, more and more confident. Then merge mentally with this inner image of yourself, so that you become him or her, and he or she becomes you also. Feel yourself now filled with this same inner light, and know that it represents your inner power and enables you to act swiftly and confidently on anything you desire.

Do something early.
When we feel unmotivated, our first impulse is to hold off that which must be done until the last possible minute. One good way to jolt yourself out of inertia is by completing a task before it needs
to be done. Usually you’ll feel so good about being ahead of schedule that you’ll want to keep up the momentum and tackle a few other tasks early too!

Share your success story with adoring fans.
Have you ever found yourself talking about your future achievements as if you’d already accomplished them when no one is around to hear you? If not, you have to try it! :-) Imagine that you’re the keynote speaker at an important event, and the audience is dying to hear how you succeeded against all odds. Share your strategies for success, highlight the challenges you faced and reveal the mind-set that enabled you to overcome them. If you really get into this exercise, you should be giggling with delight by the time you’ve finished your “talk” and eager to make it your reality!

Build your accountability.
This tip can be applied in two different ways. First, enlist a friend or family member to help keep you accountable. Share the goals you’re working toward and set a timeline for the completion of certain tasks. Ask them to call on a specific day and confirm that you completed them. Obviously, you want to do this only with people who are supportive of your goals – not those who will put you down if you falter. The other way you can do this is by building accountability with yourself. Start by setting a small objective each day, and make sure you complete it. As each day goes by, set a slightly larger objective than the day before. As you keep attaining the goals you set for yourself, you will be strengthening your internal accountability and proving to yourself that you have what it takes to succeed at any goal.

Remember the big picture.
It’s easy to get snagged on the little stuff and lose sight of the big picture – the big goal we’re working toward. Undoubtedly, your bigger goal is very important to you, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it. Revisit this dream from time to time and remind yourself that the small stuff doesn’t matter, as long as your overall destination is where you want to end up.

It’s all about the timing.
Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can’t force things to happen before they’re meant to – and that can leave us feeling frustrated and stuck. During moments like this, remember that just because you don’t SEEM to be moving forward, there might be movement happening behind the scenes and you just can’t see it yet. Vow to keep moving forward, even if you’re not yet seeing the results you desire, and affirm that when the time is right your dream will be realized.

Forgive yourself.
Do you have a tendency to be really hard on yourself? Are you being too demanding with your expectations? If so, forgive yourself! Remember that you’re only human, and you are bound to be hard on yourself from time to time. At the same time, make a commitment to go a little easier on yourself. It’s okay to push yourself out of your comfort zones and strive for growth and progress, but there is no need to bully yourself into achieving the goals you’ve set. Do what you can, try to do better than you’ve done in the past, and let your progress happen more naturally.
With a slightly more relaxed approach, you may find your motivation returning naturally also!

Let your intuition guide you.
Sometimes your lack of motivation might be a strong message from your intuition that you are working toward the wrong goals! If nothing else is working to get you motivated again, ask yourself why you chose the goals you did. What does the outcome really mean to you? Ask your inner self to provide insight on goals that might be more in alignment with your life path. You may be surprised to learn that your goals aren’t right for you at all . . . or you simply need to make a tiny adjustment to change everything for the better.

Invite creative inspiration.
Focusing too much on analytical problem solving or logical planning and preparation can often leave us feeling uninspired. Sometimes the solutions you seek have nothing to do with logical thinking at all. Tap into your creative inspiration and see if it has something valuable to share. You can do this by engaging in creative pursuits like artwork, writing, musical instruments, or simple daydreaming. Most often, if you simply make time and room for your creative inspiration to show up, it doesn’t need any prodding to do so. Here’s the important thing: when you do receive a creative insight, don’t analyze it to death! See if you can find a way to integrate it with your existing plans, or if you have to alter your existing plans without too much trouble, go ahead. You may be surprised by how effective this process is, and how quickly your motivation returns along with your creative insight.

Release limiting messages from others.
Whether you’ve labored under limiting predictions from a short-sighted parent since childhood or your spouse just expressed a doubt about your goals, you may be letting the negative preconceptions of others invade your mind and deplete your motivation. Release them by holding a private ceremony in which you symbolically let go of any internalized messages or programming you’ve received from others. You can do this in many ways, but probably the quickest and easiest way is to verbally state that you are releasing the hold these damaging messages have on you. Try something like this: “I hereby release any internal messages of limitation, lack or inability that may have been instilled in me by others. These are not my beliefs, and therefore do not belong in my mind or body. I let them go, and I forgive the bearers of such messages. I believe that they do not mean to cause harm to me; they simply cannot see the same vision I see for my own life, just as I am unable to see their vision. I reclaim my life purpose and I embrace the courage and desire to follow it with joy and gratitude.”

Trust your vision . . . it’s bigger than you are!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed because you wonder how on earth you’re going to be able to achieve something so big and magnificent, it’s time to remember that your dream is about more than just YOU! You must believe that you are NOT working alone in your endeavors. Whether you believe in the assistance and guidance of universal or spiritual forces, or you simply believe that you have untapped potential within you – trust that your vision is achievable.

Focus on serving others.
While it’s natural to set goals that will benefit you and your life, making it your mission to contribute something of value to the world is one of the best motivators of all time. Self-sacrifice is not necessary in this scenario, either. Find a way to serve others AND make your own life better at the same time. It’s very easy to do, and when you find the right combination to achieve this, you will be awed and amazed at how quickly your dreams will be realized. And when you see the powerful way your contributions effect others around you, you’ll never have a shortage of motivation again – in fact, you’ll probably have to guard against burnout because you’ll become so addicted to the feeling of making a powerful difference in the world.

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