Sometimes our inner monologue is filled with negativity, which can reduce our desire to do anything. For example, you might have an inner recording telling you that working on your goals is a waste of time because you simply don’t have...
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Call a Friend For Support.
If you’ve got a friend or two who support you in your goals, give them a call! Tell them you’re having trouble getting started (or keeping momentum) and you need a kick in the rear. Tell them to remind you what you are...
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Thrill To The Challenge.
Any big goal or project can make us quake in our boots simply because it seems like such a massive undertaking. Rather than allowing yourself to feel intimidated by something you have to do, learn to...
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Believe You Can!
Sometimes your own self-doubt can make you hesitate on the brink of taking that leap of faith. If you find yourself questioning your own ability to achieve your goals...
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Scattered thoughts can make any task seem more confusing or burdensome. Before beginning work on your objective, take 15 minutes to sit quietly and focus on nothing. Keep your mind as blank as possible and attune to...
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Do a Good Deed.
Avoiding doom and gloom is a good start, but you can make even greater strides if you do nice things for others as frequently as possible. Make financial donations to charitable organizations, or volunteer some time for a worthy cause...
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Great post! Very inspirational.