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Believing You Are Capable of More

One common reason people don’t give their best effort is because they don’t believe they are capable of more. Does this describe you?

* Are you more focused on getting quick results, even if they aren’t the best results?
* Do you think that if a task requires too much effort it won’t be worth it?
* Do you consistently avoid working any harder than you have to?
* Do you believe that massive success is only for the truly talented and lucky, so there’s no point in giving your best?

If you’re like the average person, you are probably capable of 20 times more than you have achieved so far. That’s at the minimum. It’s probably higher than that.
Do you have trouble believing that, or do you feel a twinge in your gut that confirms the truth of that statement?

If you really don’t believe you are capable of more, then perhaps you are already working at your maximum level of excellence. However, if you are willing to just CONSIDER that you’re capable of more, you are in the right mind-set to change everything.

First, take a moment to think about your accomplishments thus far, and be honest with yourself about the things you could have done better. Perhaps you shied away from increased responsibility at your job and got passed over for a promotion, or you gave up on making your dream a reality because it seemed too difficult.

In order to bring out your personal excellence, you need to first acknowledge that your present circumstances are due to the actions you’ve taken so far, and more importantly the QUALITY of effort you’ve put forth.

This can be an uncomfortable exercise because in a sense it means acknowledging that you are the cause of your own stunted progress. However, only by knowing with certainty where you ARE can you move on to somewhere BETTER.

Imagine you’re in a shopping mall, standing before one of those maps that state, “You are here.” If you know where you are you can easily map out a route to get somewhere else.
It’s important not to JUDGE yourself for your progress (or lack of) up to this point. Feeling badly about yourself accomplishes nothing. The point is to gain a clear understanding of where you are, and figure out where you want to go. Acknowledge that you did the best you could with the resources you had, but now you are ready to do better.

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