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Excellence as Motivation

Striving for excellence in everything you do can motivate you in amazing ways. Consider the difference between “doing something” and “doing something better than you’ve ever done it before”. Can you feel the difference in energy in those two examples?

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ATTITUDE. If you want to feel motivated and inspired about anything, simply choose to strive for excellence. Immediately you’ll find yourself standing a little straighter, focusing a little more intently and feeling eager to attack the challenge before you.

Even better, this mind-set can motivate you to higher and higher levels of attainment, and provide the determination to attempt bigger projects that you might have avoided before.
For example, let’s say it’s Saturday morning and you are going to do some yard work outside. You really don’t feel like doing it, but you decide to motivate yourself by striving for excellence.

You focus on making perfectly symmetric swipes on the lawn with the mower, gleefully attack the shrubs with the clippers, and edge the driveway and sidewalk as if your life depended on neatness and precision. A glance at your watch reveals that you were so engrossed in what you were doing that time seemed to fly by and you were finished in no time at all.

You now feel so great about your accomplishment that you decide to clean out the gutters and repair part of the roof on your house. Those projects also go well, and since you’re feeling so good about them, you decide to wash your car and vacuum the inside.

I could go on, but you get the idea. At the beginning of this little example, you were feeling less than enthusiastic about doing some simple yard work. (Imagine how resistant you would have been to doing the yard work, gutters, roof, AND cleaning the car!)
However, just a simple shift in attitude - the intention to strive for excellence – serves as a powerful motivator. This same concept can apply to your work, your goals, your personal growth, or any other area of your life.

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