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How to make vinegar from Banana Peelings

Instead of throwing away our banana peelings, we can use it to make vinegar. The procedure is very simple as shown below.

banana peels - 1 kg
water - 8 cup
sugar - 1½ cup
baker's yeast - ½ t
vinegar starter - 1 cup

measuring cup
measuring spoon
chopping board
cheese cloth
wide-mouthed glass jars

1. Slice a kilo of banana peel, add 4 cups water, then boil.
2. Extract the juice of banana peel, decant and filter through cheese cloth.
3. Add 4 c water, 1 ½ c sugar and pasteurize for 10 - 15 minutes at 60 -65ºC.
4. Transfer into sterilized container, half-filled.
5. Cool, then add ½ tsp baker's yeast for every 8 c mixture. Allow to ferment for 7-8 days.
6. Decant/siphon to separate sediments (dead yeast).
7. Add 1 c of vinegar starter for every 4 c liquid. Cover with clean cloth/paper.
8. Allow to ferment at room temperature for 2-3 weeks or until a sour odor of vinegar is attained. Decant to separate the sediments.
9. Fill container to full capacity. Age for a month to produce quality vinegar.
10. Pasteurize at 60ºC for 5 minutes.

Filter, bottle, seal tightly, label and store.

Source: DOST, picture,

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