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How to make Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

Virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil is rich in Lauric Acid, an essential fatty acid that is only found in high concentrations in mother's milk. When taken internally, Lauric Acid turns into a compound known as Monolaurin. It is this compound that is believed to fight viral pathogens that protects the body from bacteria, viruses and infections from parasites. Coconut oil also causes the metabolic rate to increase, hence helps reduce weight and is safe and beneficial for diabetics.

How to make Virgin Coconut Oil:
1. Select about 8 mature coconuts. Make sure dehusked shell is intact and has no breakage and that there is water inside the nut. To test, shake it.

2. Split the shell into halves, take out the meat from the shell with a sharp knife, a scraper or shredder (kudkuran). You can have this done in the neighborhood market.

3. Collect the shredded meat together to be cold-pressed into coconut milk. Press the bunch of shredded meat with the coconut water by any means that does not require heat. The first cocomilk called "kakang gata" comes out. Strain this "first" milk through a cheese cloth (katsa) to separate the sediments. There are cold-pressing machines available in the bigger wet markets like Marikina, Sta. Ana, Nepa-Q-Mart in Cubao, to cold-press your shredded cocomeat.

4. Your 8 nuts will make about 4 glasses of coco milk or half a liter. Let the filtered coco milk in the pitcher settle overnight. The coco milk will separate into three parts: 1/3 oil will rise to the top and the shredded meat will settle at the bottom, with coconut water in between.

5. To separate the oil, refrigerate until the oil turns into coconut butter form. Skim the coco butter and separate into another container. Let it stand at room temperature to become virgin coconut oil ready to take. Avoid direct sunlight for the oil to stay clear. Shelf life is good for 90 days.

Benefits of VCO
  • A boost to the body's immune system
  • A good source of saturated medium chain triglycerides
  • VCO helps regulate blood sugar
  • Lowers the viral load of AIDS patients.
  • Has anti-viral & anti-microbial properties
  • Helps hepatitis C, herpes patients
  • Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
  • Maintain LDL & HDL cholesterol levels
  • Heals & nourishes the skin, hair & scalp

Formore information, contact:

DOST - Industrial Technology Development Institute
Knowledge and skills in the processing of virgin coconut oil using modified wet process.
Training Fee: P 2,500.00

Industrial Technology Development Institute
DOST Compound, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila
Tel. Nos. : (632) 837-2071 to 82 Loc. 2269/2270
Telefax: (632) 837-6156

Source:PDI, May 18,2003,www.; photo from

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