Most people will have some solid ideas about their passions, interests and talents – but not everyone will. If you found yourself struggling to come up with items to write on the worksheets, take comfort in the knowledge that you’re probably not alone!
Maybe you’ve spent your life doing what was expected of you and you never had the freedom to explore your passions before. Maybe you are so saddled with responsibilities that even now you can’t find time to do the things you love – even if you knew what they were!
The good news is that it’s not going to be difficult to find out. And once you get that ball rolling, your only challenge is going to be choosing between the many choices you have available. To discover your passions, talents, interests and important issues, try one or more of the suggestions that follow.
Think Back to a More Magical Time
Children naturally gravitate toward things they enjoy, have you ever noticed that? If you have children of your own, each of them probably has very different personalities, likes and dislikes. This uniqueness is obvious even when observing children that aren’t your own.
The question is: what did you like and dislike when you were a child? What types of television shows did you watch? What toys were your favorites? What costumes did you favor for holidays and special events? Who did you dream of being when you grew up?
All of these memories hold clues to your authentic self. Even though your actual activities have changed since childhood, it’s likely that you still gravitate toward the same preferences.
Make a list of your favorite memories, the ones that bring back a warm glow of happiness or pleasure. Then look closely at them and try to identify their core essence. Why did they make you feel so happy? Can any of that essence be brought into your current circumstances?
Windows to Other Worlds
Another great way to find clues about yourself is to visit the bookshelves in your home. Books have often been described as windows looking into other worlds, but they can also be windows looking into you!
What types of books are in your home? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? What topics are most of your books about? Which books have you read over and over again until they are well-loved and dog-eared? These quiet companions will tell you a lot about your interests and passions.
If you’re not a big reader or don’t have any books of your own, take a trip to your local library. Walk around and look at the shelves of books. Which categories make you want to stop and browse some more? Take notes on the types and subjects of books that seem to capture your attention most. You can also use this same technique with magazines, music CDs, and videos/DVDs you have around your home.
World Wide Possibilities
The world wide web is also a fantastic storehouse of clues about your passions! Take a trip through your Favorites folder. What types of websites do you visit frequently? Do you belong to any forums or groups?
You can also visit large, general-interest websites and browse their topics. Click on things that catch your attention and keep a running list so you can explore the topics further later on.
Social Clues
Also be sure to take a closer look at your social life. What do you like to do with friends? What types of activities do you enjoy, with friends and by yourself? Most of us do have a social life, even if it is limited to a few outings a year!
If that doesn’t yield any clues, try making a list of activities you always WISH you had time to explore. Have you always been fascinated by photography? Do you feel a twinge of longing when you walk through an art museum? Do you have a hard time tearing your gaze away from a gorgeous garden?
Keep a running list of activities and subjects you feel even the slightest interest in, and little by little they may blossom into full-blown passions!
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