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Possible Challenges You’ll Face

First, understand that you are likely undergoing some major changes both within and without. There may also be external influences affecting your progress, and you have no control over those influences. Maybe it’s a collection of factors, some of which you aren’t even aware of.
No matter what is happening, do your best to make the journey itself the reward. In other words, don’t get hung up on expecting a specific outcome in a certain time frame. As long as you are taking the steps that you know will lead to your chosen destination, you are on the right track.

Instead, make it your mission to feel good about what you’re doing right now. Trust that everything will work out exactly as it’s meant to and focus only on doing your part.
When you do that, you avoid wasting time and energy on fear, doubt and frustration. You stop worrying about the end result and enjoy each step between here and there.

Balance and Responsibility
As great as it is to feel purposeful and passionate about your activities, it’s also possible to become obsessive and take on too much, too soon. In fact, this likelihood increases the bigger your purpose is.
As much as we’d all love to change the world by 9:00am tomorrow, it may take a little bit longer.

When you first conceive your life purpose, you may find yourself wanting to hurry up and make it all happen overnight. Whether there are many people who need what you can provide or you feel desperate to change your own life circumstances, remember to take it slow. Keep balance with the rest of your life. Make time for proper self-care, rest and recreation. You won’t be serving anyone if you end up burned out and exhausted.

On the flip side of this same coin is the importance of responsibility. Once you have realized your life purpose, you may need to do some substantial shifting around of your activities to make room for your new priority. And it IS a priority. It has to be.
If you don’t make this new objective very important, you’ll easily find reasons not to work on it. You’ll complain that your kids are too demanding, your job is too stressful, you’re too tired, you don’t have enough time to yourself, and so on. And you’ll go on feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled for years, or even your entire lifetime.

In your own mind you’ll have plenty of valid excuses for why you haven’t achieved the dreams in your heart, but deep inside you’ll know that you never fully committed to it and made it a high priority.
Finding a balance between these two extremes may not be easy at times, but with self-awareness and planning you can make the transition much easier for yourself.

Keeping Those Fires Burning
Self-motivation can be a tricky thing, no matter how passionate you are about your activities. Sometimes without realizing it you may find your attention waning or outer distractions interfering, which can throw you off track in a hurry.
You may find it helpful to come up with a mission statement to keep you on track. It can be a simple statement like, “My purpose is to educate and empower women in living healthier, more balanced lives,” or it might be more detailed, such as, “I commit myself to writing, speaking and educating others on the subject of living purposefully. Every waking moment of my life will serve as an opportunity to inspire and awaken those who seek to be awakened.”
Whatever kind of mission statement you choose, make it something meaningful to YOU. Something that will fuel your inner passion and keep you focused on your ultimate objectives.

Success in Dealing With Challenges
There are other possible challenges that could arise; it’s impossible to cover all of them in these few pages. But no matter what kind of challenges you may face on your journey toward greater purpose and meaning, know that your attitude is going to make the biggest difference in the magnitude of the obstacles you encounter.
If you see them as daunting, overwhelming and immovable, guess what? You’ll give up. On the other hand, if you choose to see them as temporary challenges that CAN be overcome, you’ll do what it takes to get past them.

Rather than seeing these obstacles as threats, learn to see them as opportunities. Opportunities to strengthen yourself from within; opportunities to stretch your limits; opportunities to grow and develop as a person, and more. Challenges can be your best friends if you’re willing to learn from them.

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