4 L tomato pulp
4 cups sugar
½ tsp cinnamon powder
½ tsp pepper powder
½ tsp cloves powder
½ tsp paprika
½ cup fresh onions
2 cups vinegar (4.5% acidity)
2 tsp sodium benzoate (optional)
3 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 1 cup water
stainless/enameled kettle
measuring cups and spoons
chopping board
strainer, stainless
wooden ladle
casserole, stainless
bowlblender (optional)
Packaging material:
sterilized glass jars with new caps
1. Select and wash ripe fleshy red tomatoes.
2. Blanch tomatoes for 30 seconds, transfer into cold water, peel and cut into halves (crosswise).
3. Remove the seeds and chop the pulp into small pieces. Strain the remaining seeds thru a fine mesh screen.
4. Mix the juice with the pulp.
5. To every 4 liters of pulp, add the above ingredients (except for vinegar and sodium benzoate) and blend.
6. Place the mixture into a kettle and cook over low flame, stirring constantly to avoid scorching, until the right consistency for catsup is reached. Add vinegar and sodium benzoate (optional) until nearly cooked. Add cornstarch previously dissolved in water.
7. Pour while hot in sterilized bottles.
8. Seal and cool. Label.
Source: DOST, picture from:canningusa.com
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