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Your Purpose Isn’t Just About YOU

“If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”
Emily Dickinson

It’s Your Gift to the World
Before you allow your mind to run amok with excuses, fears, doubts and the like, I want to stress that this isn’t about you. Yes, living purposefully is a fantastic way to get more meaning and satisfaction from your life. Most people start seeking a life purpose just for that reason. They feel empty and aimless, sick of living a life that doesn’t fulfill them. There’s nothing wrong with that, even if it may seem a bit self-serving at first glance.
But an interesting thing happens when people discover their life purpose and begin living it: they realize that their greatest joy and satisfaction comes from serving others. Their focus begins to shift away from what they might receive and moves steadily toward what they can share.
When you start seeing your life purpose as a GIFT you can give to others, you’ll find that much of your fear, doubt and hesitation will fade away. You’ll stop worrying whether you have what it takes to live your purpose and focus more on doing the best job you can do, simply because it’s important to the people you’re serving.

There’s Something Special About You
Furthermore, it’s important to realize that as grand and intimidating as your life purpose may seem from where you’re standing now, you already have what it takes to achieve it.
When it comes right down to it, you ARE your life purpose. Your purpose is a perfect blend of the best parts of you: your passion, your talent, your interests, and the things that are very important to you.
You are meant to share these parts of yourself – this ESSENCE of yourself – with the world.
No one else on the planet has what you can offer. No one else will create the things that you can create. No one else has the power to touch people’s lives exactly like you can.
Everything you touch, everything you do, everything you create is infused with your unique essence.

People Need What You Have to Offer
Not only is everything about you unique and special, but right now even as you read these words, there is a person (or more likely a large collection of people) who desperately need what you have to offer.
Do you have trouble believing that? Is it hard for you to imagine having something that others really need and want?

This is a common blockage because most people tend to see themselves as “average.” Nothing special, just an average Joe or Jane.
If you take away nothing else from this book, I want you to know how limiting – and even destructive – such a mind-set is. You are one-of-a-kind, and seeing yourself as anything less will detract from what you have to offer.
Seeing yourself as special and unique is not vain. The point isn’t to believe that you are better than anyone else – just different and equally as valuable.

And here’s where it gets even better. By awakening to your own brilliance and power and sharing them with the world, you will be encouraging other people to do the same. In fact, you’ve probably already experienced that from the other end of the spectrum.
Have you ever seen someone doing something really well and felt an inner stirring? For example, perhaps you were feeling down and you heard a song on the radio that seemed to rekindle your inner fire, encourage and inspire you? Even better, have you ever seen someone doing something and thought to yourself, “I could do that! I’ve got a natural talent just like that, why aren’t I using it?”

These people are living their own purpose(s), but at the same time, they are serving as living examples that will awaken you to YOUR purpose. Those experiences are not accidents. Whenever you feel a strong resonance with something or someone you see, hear or read – it’s there for a reason.

Pay very close attention to that inner resonance because it holds clues to your own talents, passions, abilities – and ultimately, your life purpose. And once you begin living your purpose and sharing it with the world, you will be providing the same kind of wake-up call for others who resonate with you.

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