fresh coconut water 15-20 L
refined or brown sugar 12.5 cups or 2.25 kg
yeast 1¼ tsp
vinegar starter* 5 L
sterilized jars
*Pure culture available at MGD, ITDI
1. Collect fresh coconut water. Strain thru cheesecloth.
2. Dissolve sugar in coconut water.
3. Pasteurize at 65°C (149°F) for 20 minutes or boil for 5 minutes.
4. Cool. Pour into previously sterilized jars.
5. Add yeast and stir. Cover with brown paper or cheesecloth and rubber band.
6. Ferment for 4-5 days (alcoholic fermentation).
7. Decant or filter. Pasteurize at 65°C for 20 minutes.
8. Cool. Add vinegar starter. Stir. Allow ¼ of the container as headspace. Cover as above.
9. Ferment for 1 month (for vinegar).
Ferment for 2-3 weeks (for vinegar starter to be used as starter for the next batch of alcoholic coco water).
10. Pasteurize and bottle.
Source: DOST, photo modified from
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